Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Website Vs Other Mediums of Marketing

Website is the most effective, economical and gives high return on investment. A website is one of the most potent marketing tools in your hands. Having a company website will not cost you a fortune and is much more economical as compared to any other marketing mediums

There are numerous by which you can advertise and propogate your business. This includes print media, outdoors advertising, television, radio advertisements, directories etc. Most of these mediums are not cheap and also not very effective now until and unless you invest a hefty amount in any of these.

Print advertisements costs lots of money.  Printing brochures, catalogs, flyers also cost lots of money.
A radio advertisement is also a costly affair and  does not gives a high ROI until and unless it is circulated repeatedly on the radio station.

A website unlike a radio or print advertisement is available 24 hrs a day and can be easily accessed  at anytime of the day form any corner of the world with just an internet connection. Therefore websites are not only cost effective and economical but also have the advantage of round the clock availability.

Contact us for professional website designing.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to make a coloured picture black and white

Many a times we need to convert a colored picture into a black and white picture in order to attain the retro look or add some additional special effects. This can be easily done in photoshop.This tutorial is designed by website and seo company in delhi  a photshop expert
  • Open any colored picture in photoshop
  • go to photshop image menu
  • click image- mode-grayscale
your colored picture is now in black and white. Use it wherever you want.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Essentials of a Good Website

It is not merely important to have a website. There are many important points to keep in mind if you want good response from your website.

1. Good Layout:While designing a website it is important to choose a good layout. A layout is the basic framework of your website and contains links, content, logo and images of your website. The navigation of your website should always be easy for the user and not complex. Navigation means the correct placement of all important links on your website.

2. Good Content:
This is of course the most important aspect of any website. The content of your website should be unique and informative. People look for information and good content if your website has good and useful content they will obviously like it. Also if you keep your content updated and fresh people will come back to your website more often.

3.Good Graphics
It is said that an image is worth a thousand words. Using good images and graphics will not only make your website attractive. It will help you to keep people engrossed to your website.
Wherever possible use good images and graphics to make your content more powerful.

4. Contact Us Page
Put your official address, contact number and email id on the contact us page so that people can contact you if they have any query. It is always good to have a contact form on contact us page
which makes it easier for user to reach you

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Benefits of Having a Website

A website is an essential tool for your company. Not only it is very economical, it is helpful in getting good probable customers. It is easily accessible 24 hours and has global availability.

So you have a new business and want the world to know that you are a professional company who is providing specialized products or services. There is no better medium to announce your arrival by launching your own company website. With the arrival of internet it has become very imperative to have a web presence. A website is one of the most cost-effective mediums to showcase your products and services.

A website enables you to reach your potential clients 24 hours a day all days of a week, throughout the year. By having a website your reach is not just limited to a particular area or city. A website has global reach and thus provides you international exposure. A website contains all the information about your products and services and thus enables the potential customer to have an idea of your company. Online forms can be used to gather information and queries of your potential clients. Investing on a website is the wisest decision you can make to promote your company.

Compared to other mediums like print, television radio a website is far more cost-effective, more informative and can be easily updated. Another great benefit of having a website is that it puts you on the same platform as any other company in your business. You can compete against companies which are several times bigger than yours by having a good informative website. A company with website looks far more professional than the ones who don't have a website. So stay ahead of your competitors and invest in good website for your company.

Article Posted by Digital Worx: A website company

What is a website

Internet is a an ocean of vast information. A web page or website is that drop of ocean which composes this vast ocean of information. A website can contain information about products, business, services, medical information, science, history, countries in fact the whole universe that we know or want to know. There are just no limits to the kind of information a website can poccess.

If you are looking for information on "How to make cookies". Just search the word on internet and you will find plenty of websites related to your query.

In fact you can also make a website about yourself with some knowledge of internet and computer skills. If you want to make a website about your products, services or business you can hire a professional website designer or website designing company to design your website.

website company